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Das Leben ist zu kurz

(Life is way too short)

(Translation see below)



© Music and Lyrics by Annika Jayne

(Written on 6th May 2023)

Du lebst Dein Leben auf Autopilot
Und wunderst Dich über Atemnot
Dir wurde gesagt, dass das so geht
Doch du lebst selber, Du wirst nicht gelebt

Wieviel hältst Du aus
Wenn Dich Leere durchdringt
Auf was willst Du warten
Wenn Du schon um Luft ringst

Du hast nur ein Leben
Und es ist Deins
Nur das eine Leben
Und sonst keins
Welch kostbare Zeit

Das Leben ist zu kurz
um unglücklich zu sein
Life is way too short
To just kill time

Das Leben ist zu kurz
um zu warten bis es besser wird
Life is way too short
for worries and regrets

Du bist gefangen im Strudel der Zeit
Und Du fragst Dich, wie man sich daraus befreit
Sei nicht normal, sondern hör auf Dein Herz
Schwimm gegen den Strom und schau himmelwärts

Wie oft harrst Du aus
Was verzerrt Deine Sicht
Was hält dich noch auf
Wenn Dein Herz schon zerbricht

Du hast nur ein Leben
Und es ist Deins
Nur das eine Leben
Und sonst keins
Welch kostbare Zeit

Das Leben ist zu kurz
um unglücklich zu sein
Life is way too short
To just kill time

Das Leben ist zu kurz
um zu warten bis es besser wird
Life is way too short
for worries and regrets

Das Leben ist zu kurz
So break all the rules
Life is way to short
And it's yours


Life is too short

You live your life on autopilot
And wonder why you're short of breath
You've been told that this is how it works
But you live yourself, you aren't lived

How much can you stand?
When there's emptiness inside you?
What are you waiting for?
When you're struggling for air?

You have only one life
And it's yours
Just this one life
And no other life
What precious time

Life is too short
To be unhappy
Life is way too short
To just kill time

Life is too short
to wait for it to get better
Life is way too short
for worries and regrets

You are caught in the vortex of time
And you wonder how to get out of it
Don't be normal, listen to your heart
Swim against the current and look skyward

How often do you just endure?
What's distorting your vision?
What's stopping you?
When your heart's already breaking

You have only one life
And it's yours
Just this one life
And no other life
What precious time

Life is too short
to be unhappy
Life is way too short
To just kill time

Life is too short
to wait for it to get better
Life is way too short
for worries and regrets

Life is too short
So break all the rules
Life is way to short
And it's yours

This is one of the German songs and it translates as "Life is too short". The chorus is partly in English though. The song basically says that life is too short to be unhappy and that you are responsible for your own happiness - you live this life by yourself, you aren't lived. I don't know if you can say it that way in English, but it means that you are the one who makes the decisions about how you want to live your life, and nobody else can make them for you.

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