Everywhere And Nowhere
(Translation see below)
© Music and Lyrics by Annika Jayne
(Written on 7th/22nd May 2023)
I'm a soul without a home
I've often felt alone
I belong everywhere and nowhere
My home is not a place
It must be somewhere else
There's no map that shows me how to get there
Où est ma maison?
Ni nord ni sud
Sans la bonne direction
Je vis la solitude
Je cherche dans tous les coins
Mais je suis vagabonde
Je trouverai mon chemin
A travers le monde
I feel both lost and free
What's my identity
My heart beats for so many places
Others sing of their home town
They have these roots I never found
Instead I'm roaming, following their traces
Wo bin ich zu Haus?
Wo kann das sein?
Jedenfalls nicht geradeaus
Manchmal bin ich allein
Ich geh wohin der Wind mich trägt
Frag mich was mich hält
Find doch meinen Weg
Überall in der Welt
If I don't belong anywhere
Maybe I belong everywhere
Où est ma maison?
Wo kann das sein?
Sans la bonne direction
Manchmal bin ich allein
Je cherche dans tous les coins
Frag mich was mich hält
Je trouverai mon chemin
Überall in der Welt
Translations of the Choruses:
French chorus:
Where is my home?
Neither north nor south
Without the right direction
I live in loneliness
I'm looking in every corner
But I'm wandering
I will find my way
Everywhere in the world
German chorus:
Where is my home?
Where can that be?
Certainly not straight ahead
Sometimes I'm alone
I go where the wind takes me
And wonder what's holding me
I will find my way
Everywhere in the world
Sometimes I feel like I belong everywhere and nowhere. Yes - I was born and raised in Germany and yet I've always felt like a stranger, like I don't fit in. I don't think fitting in is the most important thing, but sometimes it makes you feel lonely. My hometown is Berlin and yet I haven't written a single song about it. Quite unlike my heroes, who all sing a lot about their hometowns and I kind of envy them for that sense of belonging. As for me, I've often wondered where my roots are and what my home is. Although my passport says I'm German, I've always felt more European than German, and I feel at home in many places in Europe, the UK, France and Germany, but also parts of Italy come to mind. And outside of Europe, there's Australia and the USA! And although I feel at home in these places, I also feel like an outsider wherever I go. So maybe I belong everywhere and nowhere? And maybe my home is not a place?